Saturday 17 March 2007


“Changes in climate are now affecting physical and biological systems on every continent.” says a soon to be released report, written and reviewed by over 1000 top scientist from different countries. According to Patricia Romero Lankao (National Center for Atmospheric Research, US), a co-author of the report, “Things are happening and happening faster than we expected.”

The present problems attributed to global warming include increase in allergy inducing pollens, more acidified oceans, changes in the habits and habitats of many species, bleaching of coral reefs and loss of wetlands. It is predicted that within the next couple of decades, millions of people will face water scarcity and rising temperatures and sea level will result in floods rendering tens of millions homeless. There will be and increase I tropical diseases including malaria. By 2050, pests like fire ants will be rampant. Natural habitats of polar bears will almost vanish. Food scarcity will hit hundreds of millions by 2080.

Andrew Weaver, climate scientist at University of Victoria says, “This is the whole play. This is how it’s going to affect people. The science is one thing. This is how it affects me, you and the person next door.”

Some hope is there, the experts say, if greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are controlled and then reduced. Earlier this month the European Union leaders agreed to contain and decrease GHG by 2020. The plan to achieve this is to be presented to the leaders of other nations also.

(Based on an AP report in The New Indian Express, March 12, 2007)


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